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Tiff: Omg, guys! Like, marquees are so totally awesome. Dontcha' think? like2:ZOMG it scrolls D: Vel: Oh hey, wouldn't it be better to creep people out with a shoutbox, for slow readers that are easily distracted? Tiff: I could try adding an oekaki shoutbox, yes. like2:But would it be as fun? Tiff: Indeed, shout marquee ftw. xD Imagine when this gets super long. Vel: Do not want to imagine, it's already giving me eye hurt, but it's, so, epic @-@ But, but, but, is there any way to make it go more slowly? ;-; Tiff: I made it slower. :) Vel: Oh mai gee, no more eye hurt, that's epic @u@ lol I wonder if anybody who was new would actually bother to read the entire thing, they'd probably just end up being all like "lol, what is wrong with those people" like2:yeah but its so slow, how do you read the whole thing? Vel: Which leads me to wonder if this would make any sense if oldest went on bottom and newest went on top. Oh the confusion, you read the whole thing if you're super bored and have nothing better to do Tiff: Oh yeah, I actually did consider making the new posts first at some point, but that would be so confusing. xDD like2:You know, it takes forever to watch this whole thing. It is easier to just read it under the edit banner section amirite? Tiff: Yup, you know exactly what I do to read new posts. Vel: Ditto, I hate it admit it but even I have something better to do then sit around watching this thing scroll. I wonder what kind of person would actually take until the end of this to think "I just entered a world of insanity". Tiff: Oh, tis true, tis true! Sanity was once my best friend till I realized how much of a stickler he was! Vel: Sanity scared me, so I ran from it, and then realized that it's actually somewhat healthy. Anyways, is this place at all alive? Tiff: Oh yes, I am alive indeed. Insanity used to scare me then I realized it was something unhealthy. *shot* Vel: Are we still alive? Would living here consume our sleep? Does anybody aside from me get more then 10 hours of sleep? -brick'd- Tiff: Yuppers, alive! Vel: This place turned sexier while I was gone, and hey, LOOK, A CHATBOX, WOOOOOT Tiff: Lol, I just set aside a few mins to reread this marquee, and it's epic every now and then. XD But, the new shoutbox is nice for talking. Vel: I swear to god one day I'll watch this entire thing through 10 times over and then yell at myself for being so stupid. Tiff: Oh gosh, I'm looking for the secret link. ;-; Vel: I don't even know if you're looking in the right place xD Tiff: I wasn't. XD I did find it eventually though. Vel: I figured as much, nobody has ever taken that long to find one @u@ Tiff: Lol yeah. XD I pretty much totally failed the moment I suggested that I make a script to find it for me. XDD like2:Wee~~~ Vel: Wee? Does anybody check this anymore? ;D Tiff: A leetle! :D Vel: Oh shweet it lives ;D......or it dies ;'D like2:Lol back again =P Vel: OH HAI! LAWL LAWL LAWL YES ALIVE >D Tiff: I moved the marquee :O Vel: I am not your father. @u@ Tiff: But I'm your father. :o Tiff: Mwuhahahaa. It is 2016 and the shout marquee lives. Vel: Vel typed pond instead of font. Is she doing this right yet? ;u; Tiff: Yes, yes, Vel is doing this right indeed. <3 Vel: vroom vroom at the speed of snail~ <3 Welcome to 2XXX Tiff: Hahha, it's funny because it was still 2XXX when we started this. XD Vel: Aaaaah, Vel doesn't remember the starting 2XXX though. @~@ Something about too much long. Long is good though. Is strangely fluffy. <3 Tiff: Yeeeaahhhh. That whole time feels like a long time ago and yet it was still 2XXX. Long yet not long yet long. XD Vel: The sadness of being a millennial. Don't remember start of millennium, never get to see another one. ;u; Tiff: Indeed, millenniums are so very, very long. @@ Tiff: lol, randomly changing this old marquee in 2020.

The Great Box of Randomness

Welcome to Shadow's Edge Oekaki, the oekaki of The Desert Shadow and PokeDS.

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There are no real rules here at this oekaki, and anyone is free to draw. There is no minimum time limit either, and all sorts of art are welcome.

Basically, don't worry about breaking any rules unless you're trying to be offensive or something.

Periodical Themes

Weird scenery - 08/02/16

The epic of epics! - 05/16/10

Things you find between places - 09/23/09

Something that causes nostalgia - 06/17/09

The most elaborate festival -12/30/08

Unique Christmas trees -12/22/08

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[152] Artist: Velareksil | Title: No Title | Time: 32m 45s
Pic #152
(Click to enlarge)

Velareksil @ Monday, December 3rd 2012, 7:14 PM

[151] Artist: Velareksil | Title: No Title | Time: 28m 38s
Pic #151
(Click to enlarge)

Velareksil @ Monday, December 3rd 2012, 6:37 PM
Bird, yes?

[149] Artist: shadowfiles | Title: No Title | Time: 12m 10s
Pic #149
(Click to enlarge)

Chibi Paint
shadowfiles @ Thursday, August 16th 2012, 3:55 PM
I wanted to bird as well. :>

[148] Artist: Velareksil | Title: No Title | Time: 50m 46s
Pic #148
(Click to enlarge)

Velareksil @ Thursday, August 16th 2012, 10:37 AM
Of all the crazy pokemon anatomy Vel could never figure out...

[147] Artist: Sactourism3 | Title: BIIIRRRDDDSSS | Time: 2h 11m
Pic #147

ShiPainter Pro
Sactourism3 @ Tuesday, August 14th 2012, 2:44 PM
Birds birds birds ^________^

Bird for >YOU<!!
shadowfiles @ Tuesday, August 14th 2012, 4:37 PM

Oh my gosh this is so wonderful. I really enjoy your texturing and bold colors.

[146] Artist: Velareksil | Title: No Title | Time: 10m 29s
Pic #146


Velareksil @ Saturday, August 11th 2012, 2:27 PM
Haha, don't actually remember what it looked like anymore. @@ It was all puffy and white and stuff, though.
Sactourism3 @ Saturday, August 11th 2012, 11:28 PM
Puff and floof is the best [!]

[145] Artist: shadowfiles | Title: No Title | Time: unknown
Pic #145
(Click to enlarge)

shadowfiles @ Thursday, August 9th 2012, 12:00 AM
In winter when the ground is ice
And the trees are black
And their branches tangle the sky
I walk across these solemn woods
Looking for you.

Yes, you. The you
I remember.

You whom I lost one winter morning
When the blizzards called roaring.
They woke me from my autumn
And swept you away from me.

You who were warm, warmer than summer,
The fire of my ice cold heart.

You whom I search for in these woods
Where the cold stole
Your heat from me.

You whom I call
The inner strength and fortitude
Of my soul.
The optimism and composure
Of my spirit.

The part of me who died that winter morning,
The part of me whose corpse lies frozen
Entangled among that sky of branches.

Just a random WIP I started this morning.

(Uploaded by shadowfiles)

[143] Artist: shadowfiles | Title: No Title | Time: 17m 53s
Pic #143
(Click to enlarge)

Chibi Paint
shadowfiles @ Monday, August 6th 2012, 1:25 PM
Just playing around more in ChibiPaint.

[142] Artist: shadowfiles | Title: No Title | Time: 22m 43s
Pic #142
(Click to enlarge)

Chibi Paint
shadowfiles @ Sunday, August 5th 2012, 10:26 AM
This dude. What shall his name be?

[141] Artist: shadowfiles | Title: No Title | Time: 23m 34s
Pic #141
(Click to enlarge)

Chibi Paint
shadowfiles @ Sunday, August 5th 2012, 9:38 AM
I never really did properly try out ChibiPaint, but it's pretty cool.
Sactourism3 @ Saturday, August 11th 2012, 11:27 PM
Oh, very good!
How do you like chibi painter in comparison to the other applets?

Last time I introduced myself to it, which must have been quite some time ago, it attacked in a mad rage -- iiiyii attack of the scaled windows and tabs!!
shadowfiles @ Tuesday, August 14th 2012, 11:25 AM
Haha yeah, Chibi Paint just puts all those windows up in your face and it's scary! But it's a cool program all in all. I like it!

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